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StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT

If you're thinking about making your own NFT project after all this hype, you might find it helpful to know how we made ours:
  • The first step, and the most creative would obviously be the actual design, so the character and all the different layers and sections. Our NFT has 7 categories, and about 50 different trait layers (which means more than 690 000 combinations!).
  • After you've drawn all of your layers, you need to decide the rarer layers and the more common ones. We configured each layer rarity into a JSON file :)
  • Then comes the fun part, using a Python program, we randomly generated our collection!
  • After this you need to associate each image to its .json file describing it, which will give you a sort of image address that will allow you to link the NFTs to a contract that will dictate the terms of your NFTs.
  • Then after all of this mess you should finally be able to upload your NFTs and start minting.
  • BUT WAIT! One of the most important parts in making a successful NFT project is creating a following, if not who'll buy your art? You can do this by interacting with the community on social media, creating a discord, and also a nice website adds a professional touch ;)


- StoneHeads - - BlockChain - - Polygon - - NFT - - Crypto - - Mo'ai - - SaveThePlanet - - Unique names - - My w7y 00 @hi&king - - My way of thinking -