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StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT StoneHeadsNFT

StoneHeads Association is a collection of 10,000 unique images presented as NFT’s which draw parallels of our current situation as a species through references to significant images of the past. In this first series, the famous mo’ai of Rapa Nui have been chosen as a powerful visual, absurdly altered to highlight the way humanity, in its current prehistoric evolutionary phase manages to place importance on the superficial, instead of its own survival.


- StoneHeads - - BlockChain - - Polygon - - NFT - - Crypto - - Mo'ai - - SaveThePlanet - - Unique names - - My w7y 00 @hi&king - - My way of thinking -